ADHD Therapy
Helping high-achieving millennials conquer ADHD and disorganization.
Brooklyn, NY
Featured Press
Has ADHD Made It Impossible To Stay On Top Of Everything?
Is ADHD impacting your ability to get stuff done and enjoy life? Has it caused issues with self-esteem and made you feel like you’re not good enough? Do you wish you could be on top of your shit like everyone else?
Maybe you continually procrastinate and turn in projects at the last minute. Perhaps you can’t focus in school or at work and it’s affecting your performance. You might feel forgetful, high-strung, and overwhelmed. Each day brings a new list of demands that feel impossible to keep up with—the apartment has to be cleaned, the fridge has to be stocked, and all the bills have to be paid. Just thinking about it all probably makes you exhausted.
You Might Blame Yourself For Your ADHD Symptoms And Your Self-Esteem Might Take A Hit
Because of how ADHD hinders your ability to stay on task and manage your time, it could start hurting your self-esteem. If you can’t finish projects at work, you might think you’re just being lazy. And if you’re always forgetting about social events or showing up late, you might worry that you’re antisocial or no fun to be around.
You deserve to have someone in your life who understands that you’re not lazy or neglectful and knows how hard it is to manage ADHD. Here at Park Slope Therapy, we know that you’re doing the best you can and that you are not to blame for your ADHD.
Many People Today—Especially Women—Live With Undiagnosed ADHD
ADHD is a bit of a buzzword these days, but the awareness around it is a relatively new phenomenon. Just a few decades ago, most people weren’t familiar with all the symptoms of ADHD. Many of them didn’t even know they had it.
This was especially true of girls. After all, ADHD presents differently in girls than in boys. Most young boys have textbook ADHD symptoms—fidgeting, restlessness, and impulsive behavior—and get diagnosed fairly early in life. The girls, meanwhile, often have symptoms that fly under the radar, such as problems with organization, time management, and remembering things. As a result, lots of young women today have had ADHD their whole lives without knowing it.
Our Digital, Fast-Paced World Makes ADHD Even Worse
Today, we live on an information superhighway of constant news and entertainment. We’re encouraged to be connected 24/7. Notification fatigue is a real thing—we spend half our days checking Slack, email, and other work-based apps and websites. It’s no wonder so many of us feel scatterbrained, distracted, and unable to get shit done.
Therapy is a chance to step away from the mad rush of modern life and get some breathing space. With us, you can let go of external pressures and learn how to build more structure and order into your life.
Therapy Can Give You A Toolbox Of Skills For Managing ADHD
Trying to overcome ADHD by yourself can feel like climbing a mountain—only to find another mountain on the other side. Just when you think you’ve completed everything you have to do, another set of tasks comes along to overwhelm you again and hurt your self-esteem.
Here at Park Slope Therapy, we know how exhausting it is to live this way. ADHD therapy with us is not about adding more to your plate, but helping you find ways to make life easier. The goal is to help you increase your confidence and give you evidence-based approaches for tackling the hardest parts of life with ADHD.
What To Expect In Sessions
ADHD looks different from person to person. This is why it’s so important to create a treatment plan that works with your unique brand of ADHD. Working together, we’ll explore the way ADHD affects you.
We want to give you a toolbox of skills that you can use at any time. This way, you can basically act as your own ADHD therapist. For instance, if you’re struggling to turn in assignments on time, we want to give you skills for overcoming avoidant behaviors so that you don’t procrastinate. Or if you’re having trouble staying organized, we can help you develop strategies for keeping track of your things.
Tailoring Your ADHD Treatment Plan
The foundation of our work for helping people with ADHD is an evidence-based approach called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Using CBT, we’ll work together to help you understand how your thoughts (e.g., “I never get anything done” or “ADHD ruins all of my relationships”) influence your behaviors and make your symptoms worse. You’ll learn to challenge negative thought patterns and view yourself in a more positive and empowering light.
Once you recognize all the parts of your life that ADHD has affected, it becomes easier to figure out how to change your relationship to those parts. No matter how hopeless you feel, we are confident that we can help you focus better, improve your relationships, and learn to love yourself on a deeper level.
You May Have Some Questions About ADHD Counseling…
I’m not sure my ADHD is bad enough for me to need therapy.
It’s easy to downplay your symptoms and compare yourself to others. But if you’re reading this page, chances are that ADHD is affecting your life. And if that’s the case, why not invest in yourself? Besides, if you’re an adult who’s never been treated for ADHD before, going to therapy can make a huge difference.
How long will ADHD treatment last?
Therapy for ADHD is often short-term and time-limited. However, people often want to continue their work with us to target other areas of their life once their ADHD is managed.
I’ve never been evaluated for ADHD before and would like a diagnosis.
Sometimes not knowing is the hardest part. That’s why we offer diagnostic evaluations to help you get clarity around your ADHD. Getting an evaluation is optional, but it can be so relieving to finally get answers if you’ve never been formally diagnosed before.
You Don’t Have To Navigate ADHD Alone
Life with ADHD is so damn hard. You deserve someone who understands that and makes you feel seen, heard, and appreciated. To connect with an ADHD therapist, you can use the contact form, email us, or call us at 929-297-9753 for a free, 20-minute phone consultation.
Getting started is easy.
Use the button below to find a time to chat with our Client Coordinator.
Our client coordinator will call you to help select a therapist and schedule your first appointment.
Step 3
Meet your new therapist and begin developing your own toolbox of skills to create the life you want.