Depression Therapy
Helping high-achieving millennials conquer depression and burnout.
Brooklyn, NY
Featured Press
Has Depression Taken All Your Energy And Motivation Away?
Does it seem like you’re going through the motions of life? Are you struggling with apathy, numbness, and lack of motivation? Do you feel like you’re just surviving instead of really living?
Maybe you’ve been spending more time alone and withdrawing from friends and family. As much as you want to have fun and engage in social activities, you probably have no energy to. Even small chores may seem like insurmountable tasks. Getting out of bed may seem impossible. Perhaps you’ve thought about seeing a depression therapist but worry that you’ll have no motivation to work through your struggles.
Depression Makes You Want To Curl Up And Put Off All Your Responsibilities
Depression can create a lack of excitement about every area of your life. It makes you want to curl up and sleep the day away, putting off work, hobbies, and social time. Yet the less you get out, the worse you feel, creating a vicious cycle of isolation and hopelessness.
If you want to regain the energy to do what you love and start feeling like yourself again, we encourage you to connect with us. Here at Park Slope Therapy, our goal is to help you improve your mood, get to the root of your depression, and feel happier about who you are.
Depression Is The Natural Result Of A World Where People Work Until They Crash And Burn
Roughly 280 million people suffer from depression and it’s the number-one cause of disability in the world. Yet in many ways depression is silent and invisible—many people who struggle with it don’t seem depressed on the surface. They go out about their lives without anyone knowing how sad and empty they feel. This makes depression such a lonely experience.
In New York City where we practice, depression is often the result of unrealistic expectations and lack of work-life boundaries. So many people have employers who are exploitative or simply expect too much of them. As a result, lots of people work themselves to the point of exhaustion. They end up crashing and burning, which is the gateway to depression.
Depression therapy lets you step away from societal pressures and make room for self-care. With us, you don’t have to worry about being successful all the time—you’re free to be yourself and think out loud about your life.
Therapy Can Help You Manage Depression And Feel Vibrant And Full Of Life Again
Depression is subtle, multilayered, and often insidious in the way that it develops. It has a way of sneaking up on you. You might not even realize you’re depressed until your symptoms prevent you from doing anything to make yourself feel better.
This is why it’s so important to seek help. Depression takes away the motivation that you need to overcome it. Here at Park Slope Therapy, we want to give you the tools and strategies for managing depression so that you can get your motivation back.
What To Expect In Depression Counseling Sessions
Therapy provides a framework for understanding your depression, tools for counteracting your symptoms, and a supportive relationship so that you don’t feel alone. Early sessions are usually very practical and focus on symptom relief and reduction. Once your symptoms have lessened, you and your counselor can begin exploring the root of your depression and looking at the habits in your life that reinforce it.
The long-term goal of therapy is to address and remove the obstacles in your way so that you can get back to healthy functioning. We want you to be able to manage your depression symptoms when you’re outside of sessions, allowing you to effectively be your own therapist.
Tailoring Your Depression Treatment Plan
Our practice often takes a relational and interpersonal approach to depression therapy. After all, depression usually goes hand in hand with loneliness. A relational approach can help you identify your social deficits (e.g., maybe you isolate or cancel plans whenever you feel overwhelmed) and find ways to build more meaningful connections with others.
No matter how depressed you feel right now, life does not have to continue this way. With depression, it’s easy to think “this is just the way I am” and forget what it’s like to be happy. But with the right support, you can feel joyful, vibrant, and full of life again
You May Have Some Questions About Depression Therapy…
I’m not sure I’m depressed, but I feel very burnt out. Can therapy help?
Yes! Treating burnout is a great way to prevent the onset of depression. When you crash and burn after working too hard, that’s when it’s most common to feel depressed. What’s more, you don’t need to have a clinical diagnosis to benefit from depression therapy. Lots of people come to us without a diagnosis and find therapy helpful just the same!
How long will it take to feel better?
The answer differs from person to person. However, many of our clients report feeling some relief as early as the first session. Because depression is closely connected to isolation, simply talking to someone and getting your feelings off your chest can be liberating. Throughout treatment, you and your therapist will monitor your progress to figure out how long you’d like to stay in counseling.
Does depression therapy work if I’m already taking medication?
Yes. In fact, the best way to treat depression is often a combination of therapy and medication. That said, whether you take medication is up to you—we can recommend some antidepressants, but it is never required for treatment. If you’re already on an antidepressant, we can collaborate with your provider so that you feel fully supported.
You Don’t Have To Manage Depression Alone
Depression thrives in isolation. By making the choice to talk to a therapist about your struggles, you’re giving yourself a chance to experience real healing and relief. To get started, you can use the contact form, email us, or call 929-297-9753.
Getting started is easy.
Use the button below to find a time to chat with our Client Coordinator.
Our client coordinator will call you to help select a therapist and schedule your first appointment.
Step 3
Meet your new therapist and begin developing your own toolbox of skills to create the life you want.